Warriors and Wild Life
​Our understanding of Samburu's landscape and wildlife is greatly enhanced by the insights and unique perspectives of the nomadic people who live here.
Most of our team at Elephant Watch hails from this very special nomadic community whose charm and irreverent sense of humour are renown.
Not only have these nomads lived their entire lives close to nature but their knowledge of the seasons, flora, fungi and fauna is unsurpassed. The most passionate naturalists from the local community have joined our team as your hosts and guides at Elephant Watch, and will soon also become your friends.

Known as the 'butterfly people' or Sampiripiri in the Maa language, the Samburu are famous for their warriors who protect the family's livestock and maintain peace and order. Highly disciplined, the warriors live by a 'Spartan' ethic, and most of our team comes from their ranks.
​​What we love most about this wildlife-tolerant culture is that it's blazing a trail for peaceful co-existence between people and elephants in East Africa and beyond. Many young nature enthusiasts from this community are now emerging as the new faces of conservation in Africa, and we're delighted by their leadership.
Likewise, the role of nomads as crucial stewards of wild landscapes is increasingly recognised as of paramount importance.​

The nomadic people of north Kenya bring a wealth of traditional knowledge and expertise to the table, and are by far the best ambassadors for the wild world.

Over the years, in partnership with Save The Elephants, we've championed the education of many bright young students from Samburu County who've now graduated and are returning home to make a difference to their communities and local conservation efforts.
​It's a joy to work closely with this wonderful new generation, as we believe passionately that conservation-led tourism is an important way to protect wildlife and landscapes.
By creating alternative livelihoods that celebrate the beauty and intrinsic value of nature through elephant-watching, we are providing employment, reinforcing traditional expertise, helping to build new skill sets and boosting the local economy, while constantly highlighting the importance of protecting biodiversity. ​